Animal Chiropractic is a field of animal health care that focuses on the preservation and health of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system.
Same as with people, nerves control everything and anything adversely affecting the nervous system will have detrimental effects that will resonate throughout the entire body. Because animals can not tell us where it hurts, it is important to be familiar with movement patterns and behaviors that may indicate that they are experiencing pain or stiffness. Additionally, when neuro-musculo-skeletal issues are left unattended, it will ultimately impact your animal’s entire wellbeing and quality of life.
Our doctors have over a decade of experience caring for animals. In many cases they are sought out as a resource of last resort. Many animals that were recommended surgery for disc and nerve injuries have made complete recoveries with just the neurological chiropractic care that is practiced at Easthampton Chiropractic. Our office is often referred to for a lesser invasive and more affordable option as well as for preventative care.