Patient-Centered Neurologically focused Chiropractic care

Neurologically focused chiropractic care offers a perspective not available anywhere else within the healthcare community. We understand how intimately the nervous system is tied into every function and reaction within the body, allowing us to identify and address underlying issues that are too often missed.

Our approach is changing lives for those struggling with chronic pain, low energy, stress, hormone imbalances (in all stages of life and transitions), repetitive use injuries, and issues involving the shoulders, knees, ankles, feet, elbows or wrists and many many more neuro-musculoskeletal issues .

We offer a gentle approach for comprehensive care.

Why neurological chiropractic?

Neurological Chiropractic is a field of medicine that focuses on the brains understanding of the body (see the deeper dive section) and the central nervous systems direct connection to all 50 trillion cells in your body. This differs from conventional chiropractic that primarily focuses on misaligned bones of the spine (bones stuck out of place).

Nerves (including muscles spindles) carry signals and information to and from the brain which controls everything that happens in your body. Anything adversely affecting the signals or altering the information will have detrimental effects that will resonate throughout the entire body. As this occurs, your body can lose normal mobility; resulting in stiffness, tension and pain. When movement is affected, and left un-corrected, it can ultimately impact your wellbeing and quality of life.

Each neurological chiropractic adjustment has the potential to...

  • Improve mobility and balance

  • Updates the brain’s map of your body

  • Activate descending inhibition (reducing the pain signal )

  • Prevent adhesions

  • Improve segmental muscle recruitment and stabilization

  • Release "feel good hormones” oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin

  • relocate a synovial fold or meniscoid

  • Alter global muscle recruitment

  • Improve disc hydration

  • Release toxins and increase cellular metabolism

  • Provide segmental pain relief

  • Improve nutrient transport from adjacent vertebral body

  • Reduce venous stasis

  • Stimulates proprioceptors

  • Improve sensorimotor integration

“Pain is a behavioral decision made by the brain - based upon the perceived need to protect an area of the body”

“Pain is a behavioral decision made by the brain - based upon the perceived need to protect an area of the body”

Our Services

  • We use a variety of treatment styles to optimize your recovery; Including manual manipulation, drop table and Activator methods.

  • These joints include the ribs, shoulder and elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle and feet, as well as the hands and toes.

    Signs or possible symptoms of an extremity issue that can be helped by a chiropractor:

    Extremity pain or pain in the extremity joint

    Weakness in an extremity or joint

    Stiffness in the extremity

    Immobility of an extremity joint

    Numbness or tingling in an extremity

    Catching or locking of an extremity joint

    Neck and/or Back pain.

    Yes even neck and back pain can come from an issue with an extremity and…

    Spinal pain is always intensified by restrictions in the extremities.

    Most chiropractors overlook the extremities and just adjust the spine. At Easthampton Chiropractic, we adjust the whole body because every joint is important.

  • Intersegmental traction tables gently help reestablish the normal ranges of motion of the spine. Intersegmental traction tables also help facilitate muscle relaxation and reduce muscle spasms. It has been shown that use of an intersegmental traction table greatly accelerates the recovery progress from an injury (acute or chronic).

  • Animal Chiropractic is a field of animal health care that focuses on the preservation and health of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system.

    Dr. Smith completed her animal chiropractic certification in 2010 at Parker University in Dallas, TX. The training is a rigorous post-doctorate program with over 210 credit hours and only open to licensed veterinarians and chiropractors.

  • Kinesio tape is a unique therapeutic tool that has provided new options in rehabilitation and sports medicine throughout the world. It is used to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. It is commonly used to re-educate the neuromuscular system, reduce pain and inflammation, enhance performance, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing.

  • We are very conservative when it comes to radiographs. We only request them should our history and exam trigger the need for more information. We will discuss with you your options for radiographs as some health insurance will only cover radiographs performed through your PCP’s office.

About Us

Drs. Jill and Emmanuel have been treating animals and people since 2010. In 2017 they took over Easthampton Chiropractic in Western MA.

Dr. Jill grew up in CT and CA riding and training horses most of her life. Dr. Emmanuel comes from Puerto Rico where he was an Occupational therapist before moving to upstate NY to attend chiropractic college. Together, they live on a small horse farm in Western, MA. They have two dogs, eight chickens and four and a half horses (one is a mini). Jill enjoys riding and is currently training two young off track thoroughbreds. Emmanuel can often be found fixing things around the farm with his labradoodle, Luna, watching every move.

Just a note about the picture at the top of the page.

We chose that picture because it represents the pathways that pain and movement create. As well as the many pathways we can choose to make throughout our lives. If we don’t like the path we are on, there is always another route. We hope you find the picture as beautiful as we do.